What is ARTs
Hello, everyone. Today I would like to talk about ARTs. I think all of you can understand what is arts right? Is it just a normal diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artefact? Or just a normal term in your life and understanding? Yes, we are surrounded by all kind of arts, maybe you didn’t realise. And now, what is “the arts”? Let’s me talk about my opinion of art.
The arts can be found in human societies and cultures for physical expression of creativity. Most of the art are consist of literature including novels, poetry, short story and performing art. The art can be categorised into 6 categories which are film, visual art, photography, music, drama or theatre and dance. For visual art, there are two types of visual art which are 2D and 3D; 2D is just a drawing or image such as photo and printing drawing and 3D is craft and sculpture (installation art). Craft for 3D art can differentiate into traditional craft and handicraft, the example for this two combination craft is Batik.
Here is some characteristic of Art:
1. Subjective
- - It might influence by personal taste, opinions and feeling.
2. Open to interpretation
3. Open ended
Visual Art can be divided into:
1. Representational Art
2. Non-representational Art
What is representation art? Representation art is the artwork that represents something, which means the content has an identity or use of signs that stand in for and take the place of something else. It is through representation that people organise the world and reality through the act of naming its elements. Signs are arranged in order to form semantic constructions and express relations. Most of the people think that representation means only naturalistic depiction of nature, or realistic art about figures, landscapes or faces. But even if an artwork shows a human face vigorously distorted but still claims it to be a face, it is a representation, as it is representing a face, in an unusual manner, though. So, even apparently abstract works are representational as long as they claim to ‘show’ something.
What is non-representational art? Non-representational art also called abstract art. It uses a visual language of shape, form, colour and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in depiction of imagery in art. This departure from accurate representation can be slight, partial, or complete. Abstraction exists along a continuum.
Step to Analyse Art:
1. What can I see?
2. What is it making of?
3. Who makes it?
4. When it was made?
5. What is it about?
Step 3 is the most important step for us to analyse an art.
Lastly, as an UTARIAN. We should know about Malaysian art and it is important for all students to learn about Malaysian arts at UTAR. It is because one of the reason is most of the UTARIAN are Malaysian and as a Malaysian, we have to know our culture as what I said in the beginning. Art is a part of our culture. Therefore, we have to learn about our unique culture and pass it onto the next generation.
That’s all of my entire opinions. Thank you.
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