
Few weeks ago, I did watch a 3D stop-motion animated comedy horror film which is ParaNorman from American and it is produced by Laika. This movie was released on August 17, 2012. The major genre in this movie is horror and it was one of the oldest genres from Hollywood. There is some traditional genre that started in the early stage of film making and horror is the most recognizable by the emotional effect it tries to arouse. The horror film aims to shock, disgust, repel, also known as to horrify (Bordwell. D & Thompson. K, 2009).  In this movie consist of zombies, witches and ghost to create mystery environment to enhance horror element
Now, I would like to take this opportunity to discuss about this movie. PARANORMAN.  

ParaNorman narrate a story about a young 11-years-old boy who has the ability to see and communicate with the dead since he was born named Norman. This ability makes him be ostracized his school mates and also his own family.  After that, Mr. Prenderghast tell him about the legend of the curse is true, and Norman is the only one who can prevent the curse from raising the dead. Unfortunately, Norman is unable to stop the Witch's curse begins to wreak havoc on the town and he doesn’t give up to stop the curse.

Genres in the movie:
1. Comedy
There are comedy element appearing in this film and it is make fun of the zombie. For example, a man wants to buy a snack in the machine and at this moment, he saw a lot of zombies walking toward him. But he still is waiting for the snack drop down from the machine. The man was scare when he saw the zombies walking toward him, even the zombies walking very slow, but the time of snack drop down from the machine more slow. In other zombie films, zombies mostly run very fast compare to this movie.

2. Horror
ParaNorman is definitely a horror 3D animated movie with unnatural sub-genre which consists of ghost, witches and zombies. The very first hint being mentioned in the film to support horror genre in these movie is when Norman requests to turn up the heating because his grandmother tells him that she is feeling cold in the living room. But, his family refuses to do and believe him yet trying to convince Norman that his grandmother is already dead. Besides that, Norman greets every ghost when he on the way to the school but the other people sees him in the way of talking to himself. 

3. Action
It is also an action film when the part of chasing between zombies and the characters who are trying to stop the curse. The car chasing scene between the characters and the zombies is the best example for action genre. Besides, there are a lot of fight scene in this movie after the zombies was entered the town. Lastly, Norman jump between tree spokes and the rock to get Agetha is also shown the characteristic of action genre which is continuous high energy physical activities.

4.Teen film
Teen film is also one of the main genres in Paranorman. First of all, teenagers encounter problems is the characteristic of teen film such as peer pressure. For example, Alvin bullies Norman and Neil in school due to their physical appearance and their attitude. Besides, the film also shows Alvin bullies both of them by vandalizing their locker and words bully. Other than that, the main four characters in this film are also teenager and they all in adolescence stage and they have their own encounter problem.

In conclusion, this is a very much postmodernism genres film and it has made the genre transform and expand in different way. Paranorman is one of the famous and successful hybrid genre film. It consists of four film genres together which is Horror, Comedy, Teen film and Action. Therefore, the filmmakers have to be creative always and try to break the rules to generate a hybrid genre film. 


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