Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss
In this journal, I will talk about my review upon Queer Cinema. The film that I had watched for Queer Cinema is named Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss. It was published on 24 July 1998 in United State and it is directed and written by Tommy O’Haver which is American film director and screenwriter. The film is about romantic comedy film in American independent, gay-themed.
Theory Discussion:
Queer Cinema is also called Queer Theory which is a challenge the typical concept or image of homosexuality, also labels and categorization of it. Queer question the norm that set by the society by showing the excessive visual that not allow showing on the screen which is re-evaluated subjectivities, males gaze and so on.
Besides that, Queer Cinema focus on homosexual issues, a gay perspective is still the main priority compare to lesbianism. Lesbianism is still being abandoned in a wider context. It is a project that focuses on male desires and it starts popular in 1991 after introduced at Toronto Film Festival. The other reason for this theory being popular is in the 1990s with the global traumatising effect of AIDS.
Billy Collier, an aspiring photographer in Los Angeles that wishes to create an iconic from screen kiss from Hollywood cinemas. One day, he met Gabriel who is coffee-shop waiter and musician. He was attracted by Gabriel and wishes to recruit him as the model of his project. The struggles come when Billy fails to figure out whether Gabriel is straight people or gay people. This film focuses on the frustration, jealousy and doubt of Billy when trying to seek for the answer about Gabriel.
Film Analysis:
In the beginning of this film, there is an excessive visual occurs which is Billy is in the bed with Fernando, his Italian boyfriend. Billy’s ear was licking by Fernando when Fernando awake. Then, Fernando starts conducting the sexual foreplay with Billy who is touching his nipple, hugging and kissing on the bed. These kinds of scenes are considered as very rare or should not to be shown on the screen in Asian countries which have a more conservative culture and also at the old time of Europe country. Therefore, these kinds of excessive visuals tend to introduce a clearer image or concept of homosexuals couples to the audiences and also the public. Homosexual is very common in our society nowadays and we should be open minded to recognise those people who have homosexual behaviour.
Moreover, the outstanding seduction scene between Billy and Gabriel is definitely the highlight of the film. It is used to show a pure and real feeling of a person when facing the seductions and how a person is going to handle this kind of sexuality or gender to them. Other than that, there is a screen about Gabriel is staying overnight at Billy’s house and Billy asks him to sleep with him on the bed due to his legs are too long to sleep on the couch but initially, Gabriel was refuse the offer. Then, after a couple of minutes and he goes find Billy that he accepts his offer to sleep with him on his bed. Besides that, Gabriel constantly seduces him by intentionally sticking his back closer to Billy. Eventually, Billy took off his shirt and uses touch Gabriel’s body by his hand. Billy couldn’t stand the temptation and begins to hug and kiss him. In the end, Gabriel stops Billy because he felt uncomfortable with his action.
Furthermore, there is a scene showing Billy’s frustration when he knows Gabriel didn’t inform him and went out of town for a model job. Therefore, Billy tends to leave everything behind and search for Gabriel to figure out whether he is a gay or not. Besides, he is also jealous of Webster Rex due to the scares of losing Gabriel because Rex was intended to recruit Gabriel to be his model too. In addition, Rex was a successful homosexual photograph-artist, this character shows that homosexual can be successful as well and generally inspires and motivates the audiences.
In conclusion, Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss is portraying the obstacles of homosexual couples are no different with usual straight-couples. Although gay is very common in the city, it was shown at the beginning of the film when Billy telling his stories. This film focuses on the male perspective and desires, not to mention the excess visuals and pleasure to be found on the screen. It is certainly a Queer film is a theory that trying to tell more about homosexual issues to the public.
Theory discussion is confusing and seems wrong. PLease read and research again on this. Analysis should be done in accordance to the theory discussion. Reappropriation is a key factor in queer theory. Queer cinema is is a type of films, not queer theory.