Today, I did watch a classic movie from Hollywood which is Zombieland. What is classic Hollywood movie? Classic movie is a term denoting a group style associated with fiction films made under the Hollywood studio system between approximately 1916 and 1960, and defined by certain recurrent features of narrative, narration, and visual style (Bordwell, David, Thompson, Kristin, and Staiger, Janet (1985), The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style & Mode of Production to 1960 (New York: Columbia University Press). Which mean it will bring you to a visual world. Zombieland are distributed on year 2009 in October 2 and directed by Ruben Fleischer.
Now, I would like to share about my review and the elements used in this movie. ZOMBIELAND.
Now let me talk about the elements contain in the movie.
The elements in the movie:
Cause and effect logic:
There are some cause and effect logic in the movie. Cause and effect logic is mean a narrative is considered to be a chain of events, triggered by a cause that results in an effect which mean all these happening in space and time. For example, Columbus thinks that he can’t stay at the town where he was right now as zombies swamp invaded the city. Therefore, he decides go to Columbia to meet with his parents. Then the zombie-killing journal was started. The course in this situation is Columbus cannot stay in the town and the effect is the zombie-killing journey started.
The second cause and effect logic was chained by the first cause which is leaving the town. For example, Columbus meet Wichita in a super market and get cheat by her but he didn’t angry with her yet he fall in love with her. He fall in love with Wichita is the second effect of the causes of leaving his living town.
Character motivation:
These movies also contain element of character motivation. Character motivation is mean a character may be the driving forcing in a narrative, motivating the film’s cause-effect relationship, pushing the film’s events forward by desires. For example, Columbus decides to find Wichita at Los Angeles alone and when he arrive the park, he saw Wichita was getting attack by the zombie. Therefore, he man up and fight with the zombies especially clown zombie; and eventually he did save Wichita and start the next journey. This situation tell us when we have to do something must, no matter how hard is it, we will overcome all the obstacles in front of us.
Moreover, there are another character motivation shown in this movie, there are Tallahassee keep on finding twinkies in their journey. Although he looks around the possible place that may have twinkies few time before but he never gives up on that. He keeps on finding twinkies from one place to another place. This action shows us the spirit of not giving up, no matter how many times we failed; we should never give up and stand up to fight again.
Closure and Resolution:
This element is also shown in this movie. Closure and resolution can define as a narrative film has three stages which is The beginning, The middle and The End. Now, let me talk about the meaning of The beginning. It can be define as an introduction is set up for familiarization such as character, settings and time. For example, Columbus was set up as a coward in the beginning, and he have his own survival rules at the zombie time. Then he started his journey to find his parents in Columbia.
Next, the second part of closure and resolution is The middle. The middle is to introduce plots then transit into various directions such as obstacles, goal and distractions that eventually built up to the climax, while ‘training’ the viewer to tie up the various plots. For example, Wichita leave Columbus and Tallahassee in the early morning by going to Los Angeles with Little Rock. After they reach there, they accidentally grab the attention of the zombies. Therefore, they get attack by the zombies.
This movie consist of a little bit romance although it is a horror movie. The romance part is show between Columbus and Wichita. The scene of Wichita dancing with Columbus is a romance scene. The action between them is a romance action such as hug, dancing with soft music and kissing but the kissing scene was disturbed and end by Tallahassee.
In conclusion, a movie contains a lot of elements. If we didn’t realize the elements in the movie, we will waste the effort of the production team. Whenever we watch a movie, we have to understand the content about and also the elements in the movie. Therefore, we will not waste the effort of the production team.
That my entire journal. Thank you.
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