Spirited Away

On yesterday, I had watched a movie named Spirited Away. I had watched this movie few time before since it had been published but I didn’t watch this movie more than 6 years; I had already the story about. Therefore, when I re-watch this movie, I have found out something new and some hiding meaning in this film. This movie distributed on 20 July 2001 and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It is an animation movie produced by Studio Ghibli (株式会社スタジオジブ).

And now, let me talk about my review after I watched this movie, SPIRITED AWAY.

Story Plot:
In the beginning of the movie, a ten-year-old girl named Chihiro is moving to her new house with her parents in a new town. When they almost reach the destination, her father takes a wrong turn and it leads them to a tunnel. Her parents unknowing enter a magical world insist on exploring. After they get into the magical world, the first place they visit is a food stall with full of food but no people take care the stall. Therefore, her parents start to eat the food on the food stall like a pig without asking permission from the stall. While her parents eating, she walks around and explores the surrounding. Then, we walk toward a bathhouse and meet a young boy named Haku and he warns Chihiro to return her world by across the river before sunset. Unfortunately, Chihiro unable to cross the flooded river to return her world and she was trapped in the spirit world and her parents were turned into pigs.

After Chihiro was trapped in the spirit world, Haku comes and finds her and asks her to find a job in the bathhouse to assist the boiler-man, Kamaji. But Kamaji refuse her because there already has enough soot spirits working for him. Therefore, he asks another worker in the bathhouse with named Lin to bring Chihiro to see Yubaba which is the owner of the bathhouse and she was a witch. Yubaba offers Chihiro a job in the bathhouse and renames her as Sen (). The next day, Haku brings Sen to see her parents in the pigpen. After that, Sen found a goodbye card from her own suite and she realizes that she has forgotten her real name. Haku asks Sen to remember her name because those people who forgotten their name are unable to return to their world and how Yubaba controls people by taking their name and make them forgot who they are.  When Sen start working, she meets a silence masked creature named No-Face and invites him to enter the bathhouse by leaving the door open. After that, Sen sent to serve her first customer which is Stink spirit and she discovers that he is the spirit of a polluted river. In gratitude for cleaning him, he gives Sen a magic emetic dumpling and No-face temps one of the worker in the bathhouse with gold and swallow him. After he swallows the worker, he started demands on food and being tipping extensively.

At the same time, Sen discovers a group of paper shinigami was attacking a white dragon which transforms from Haku. Sen saves him and Haku crash into Yubaba’s office with grievously-injured. Then, Sen follows him to Yubaba’s office and reaches Haku. The shikigami was transformed into Zeniba which stowed on her back and Zeniba was Yubaba’s twin sister. She turns Yubaba’s baby son named Boh into a mouse, Yubaba’s bird into a tiny bird and creates a decoy Boh. Then, Zeniba told Sen that Haku stole her magic gold seal with carries a dead curse and the shikigami was destroyed by Haku after Zeniba’s words then drive to boiler room with Sen and Bob. Sen feeds Haku with a part of magical dumpling and causing him vomit out the seal and a black slug which Sen accidentally crushed it with her foot.

Sen decided to find Zeniba and return the seal to her and apologize for Haku. Before she leaves the bathhouse, Kamaji gives her train tickets; Sen go finds No-Face and feed him the rest of the dumpling. After he ate the dumpling, he starts to vomit and chases Sen out of the bathhouse. When the way he chasing Sen, he steadily vomits out what he had eaten including the people he ate. Then, Boh and No-Face follow Sen to see Zeniba. Yubaba orders that Sen's parents be slaughtered, but Haku negotiates freedom for Sen and her parents after revealing that Boh is missing and offering to retrieve him. But if Sen fails Yubaba's final test, the deal will be broken.

Sen, No-face, and Boh meet with the now benevolent Zeniba and chat with her. Then, Haku was arrived in dragon form to bring them back to the bathhouse. No-Face refuse to go back to the bathhouse and stay with Zeniba as her spinner. In the midflight, Sen remember when she was young, she had fallen down into a river call Kohaku River and she was saving by Haku and tells the story to Haku. This dialog triggers Haku to remember his real name which is Nigihayami Kohakunushi, the spirit of Kohaku River. When they back to the bathhouse, Yubaba forces Sen to identify her parents from a group of pigs in order to break their curse. Then, Sen tells her that none of the pigs are her parents, then Yubaba’s contract combusts. Haku takes her to the now dry riverbed and vows to meet her again. Chihiro crosses the riverbed to her restored parents, who behave like nothing happened. They walk back to their car and drive away.

The part that I like in this movie:
There first parts I like in this movie is Chihiro give No-Face the rest of the magic dumpling to save him. Although the rest of the dumpling was planned for save her parents in the pigpen. This action shows us the moral of selfless to other people. We should learn this moral instead to make our society to be much better.

The second part I like in this movie is Boh insist on walking by himself instead carry by Sen. This action show us the value of unremitting when doing something. People nowadays easily to give up on something without trying or once they meet trouble, they straight away give up. We have to avoid this kind of attitude because this will not help us to be a better person but will lead us to become a burden for other people.

The part that I dislike in this movie:
The first part I dislike in this movie is the people nowadays polluted the environment especially river and the ocean. It is shown on the “Stink spirit” but actually he is river spirit because of the pollution, he turns into stink spirit. People nowadays simply throw garbage into river, lake or ocean. It not only pollutes the environment, but it also destroys the ecosystem. As a most intelligent creature in the world, we should learn how to make our world better but not destroys it and how to appreciate to our environment.

The second part is disliked in this movie is Chihiro’s parents eat the food on the food stall without permission. We cannot do anything as what we want without thinking other people. We have to thinks for other people before we do anything. Therefore, we will not create conflict with other people.

This movie is fully reflecting our society, it shows that how human pollute the beautiful environment, how self-fish of a human. After watching this movie, I hope that the rest people who watched this movie can heart-searching what we have done to the earth. We have to protect the environment and give a better future for the next generation. We only have one Earth, there is no second Earth. Be grace to our mother Earth.

Thank you; hope you can enjoy my words.


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